How to Install Neptune Rising Addon Repo.This addon to hit the scene over the last few days from Blamo who took over the development of this when it was called Poseidon. Apoligies in the delay blogging it. So whats it like? Is it worth an Install? We take a quick look and show you how you can quickly install on your device. To install the Neptune Rising Kodi addon follow the below steps Open your kodi on Xbox Go to settings File Manager Add Source. Select none Enter the repository URL Give any name for repo. Navigate back and select addons from the home screen installer icon (Located at top-left) Install from Zip File. Tap on Blamo Repo. In the next screen, Tap on Video Ons. Tap on Neptune Rising. Choose to install by tapping on the install option and the Neptune Rising Add-on should be installed on Kodi. Go back to the add-on page, select Video add-ons and you should find Neptune Rising displayed.
May 28, 2020 Neptune Rising from the indominable Mr Blamo found in the Mr Freeworld Repo ranked as the most popular and best working Kodi TV addon available while housed in the Mr Blamo Repo. While this incarnation seems to work just as well, users are a bit hesitant concerning this beautiful Kodi addon’s current viability.
As per recent kodi addons updates, the neptune rising is the latest and most popular addon, and every kodi users are installing this Neptune rising addon. But the users who already has this addon are suffering with the number of issues such as No stream Available error and sometimes the Not working issue because of various reasons.
Today we worked on that issues and finally we got the interesting solutions to solve those issues. Here we are providing the main reasons behind of this latest addon’s not working and no stream available error, so you can get the reason of that issues along with their solutions 2020 from this article.
- 1 How To Fix Neptune Rising No Stream Available 2020 Error
- 3 Olpair Stream Authorization Neptune Rising
- 3.1 When And Why Does No Stream Available Error Come To Kodi Addons
How To Fix Neptune Rising No Stream Available 2020 Error
With the below simple procedure you can solve the neptune rising no stream available 2020 error on your kodi krypton and also jarvis versions. So use the below procedure and get rid of this not working issue. But before we are going to fix this issue you must update your addon, the steps to follow are mentioned below.
- First of “Launch Your Kodi” (Krypton or Jarvis)
- From the “Kodi Home Screen” > “Addons” >Now “Right Click OnNeptune Rising”
- Click on “Information” > Hit on “Update” (Its better to turn on “Auto Updates”)
- Here you can select the latest version “1.4.7 Blamo Repo”
- Click on that, it will update soon “You Can See A pop up On your Screen”
To Fix The No Stream Available 2020 error, follow the below steps
- Now come to “Kodi Home Screen”
- Now “Right Click” on updated “Neptune Rising” addon > Select “Tools”
- Then hit on “Neptune Rising: Clear Cache” > “Are you Sure” so click on “YES”
- Now hit on “Neptune Rising: Clear Providers” > “Are You Sure” so click on “YES”
- Now come back to the “Kodi Home Screen” > Right Click on “Neptune Rising” > “Settings“
- Make sure the “Providers Timeout should be 20“
- Click on “OK”
- Now hit on “Playback” option > Here “Turn Off” the “Hosters With Captchas”
- Come to “Library” and there you have to “Turn On” the option “Check Movie Before Adding It”
- Finally Click on “OK”
That’s it Now everybody can watch their favourite videos without “Neptune Rising No Stream Available Error”
If you are getting again Neptune Rising not working Issue’s on your kodi, then try to follow the below steps, they may give the solution for your issue.
Also Read: Placenta Addon No Stream Available 2020
Some More Solutions To Avoid Neptune Rising Not Working Issue
There are some more mistakes which every user is forgetting to change on their kodi device after installing the addon, so now we are going to share them to you.
Olpair Stream Authorization Neptune Rising
If you are getting pop up while opening any movie in this addon then you must follow olpair guide other wise that pop up will continue. To fix that pop we just need to pair with their website. We explained everything in that article, just simple go with that link and fix openload sever error on neptune rising.
Troubleshoot the Kodi Application on Your Device:

Solution: This is the common issue for every kodi users, to avoid this issue you have to do the “Factor Reset”. To do this your device will take “Few Minutes” after that your kodi will restart as a new one and now you can “Install The Latest Addons”
Make Sure Your Internet Speed is Fast Enough:
Solution: The Neptune Rising not working issue also depends on your internet connection, so make sure that your internet speed is speed enough and also check your wifi router connection.
Make Sure That You are Getting Throttled, Filtered, or Geo-Blocked by Your ISP
Solution: Basically, the kodi and its addons services are restricted to deliver their content in some areas. At that times you will get this geo-blocked issue. You can’t do anything to avoid this issue.
But to watch your favourite videos on your neptune rising addon even it is a restricted area then you must use the best VPN service. It will hide your Device IP address.
Recommended: How To Install Placenta On Kodi 17.6 Krypton
When And Why Does No Stream Available Error Come To Kodi Addons
Actually, when you are watching any of your favourite videos on your kodi neptune rising addon suddenly, you will get a no stream available error or you will get this issue after selecting the movie from your favourite addon. So, at this time you will get this issue.
Read: How To Fix & Error
Neptune Rising Download
But why we are getting this issue means, whenever you are following the steps while installing this neptune rising addon you might not follow the above mentioned aspects. So to avoid this issue you must make sure that you have followed the same procedure to install this addon and have you done some errors like we mentioned in the above lines.
Neptune Rising For Kodi
Read This: Supermacy No Stream Available
Final Words:
Neptune Rising Blamo
From now onwards any neptune rising addon users won’t get the Neptune Rising No Stream Available Error on their favourite device. If you are facing any issues instead of the above mentioned, you can ask us via comment section and we will give you a solution to that issue.
Neptune Rising Download Kodi
If you it has worked for you, then share this solution to your families those who are suffering with these issues. Hope you liked this article.