Crestron XPanel installer.exe (for Windows). Launch the XPanel project by double-clicking dmpsautoconfigurationxpanelXX.c3p. Access the configuration screen. Messages Toggle Dropdown Topics; Expanded; Polls; Hashtags #android; #app; #artnet; #axis; #bestpractices. In Installer Settings, select Web Settings, and then ensure that Domain is set to '.'. For more information on web XPanel interface settings, refer to OLH article 5793. Cannot Establish Communication with the Crestron Home Processor. The Crestron Home processor is not communicating with Crestron Toolbox via Ethernet or USB. Possible Cause(s).
Re: CrestronXPanel Installer error
#236036 Yep had this before. You need to download the installer from Crestron separately. Tony Howard On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 8:58 AM rockyoucvs <cvs@...> wrote: Hi, |

Problem: XPanel for Web does not display the project when running on Windows Vista or Windows 7.
Refer toFAQ 4222 for further details on Vista compliant software.
Issue 1:
In Windows Vista/ Windows 7, Internet Explorer runs in Protected Mode (PM). PM ensures that objects like XPanel for Web’s ActiveX control can’t write to most locations in the file system. XPanel for Web attempts to download the .VTX project files and write these files in the same directory as that of the XPanel for Web’s DLLs. The attempted disk-write of these files fails.
Solution 1:
Right-click on Internet Explorer Icon and select “Run as Administrator”. Running IE as Administrator overrides PM and allows the .VTX files to be downloaded.
Note: There are 2 versions of IE on the 64 bit version of Vista, you need to select the 32 bit version of IE in order to select 'Run As Administrator'
Solution 2:
It is suggested to turn OFF [User Account Control] under Vista. This is not always necessary but will help on a Vista installation that is experiencing problems with XPANEL WEB.
You simply enter [Control Panel], [Security Center] to turn [User Account Control] On/Off.
We have tested on different Vista installations with IE7 and all have run the existing release of XPANEL WEB version 1.5.X.X successfully found in VTPro v3.7 and later. The one commonality was that the User had Administrative privileges.
Note: XP with SP2 required a User with either Power User or Administrative privileges. Vista and Windows 7 has increased its security and now requires Administrative privileges.
If trying to run XPanel when not as an Administrator will result in the following error:
An error occurred while copying file cmxinit.dll Cannot copy file to destination directory....
In addition to the above if running Windows 7, Open Internet Explorer, select [Tools], [Internet Options] and then [Security] tab. Select [Internet] and then unselect the [Enable Protected Mode]. Requires an Internet Explorer restart.
Additional Help:
Be sure that ActiveX will run on the PC. There are several web sites that can be used to see if the PC has the correct permissions set on the web browser. If the PC will not run on these test sites, it most likely will not be able to run an eControl 2 project either.
For Example:
Crestron Xpanel Windows 7
Crestron XPanel's main file takes about 220.00 KB (225280 bytes) and is called CrestronXPanel.exe. The executable files below are installed along with Crestron XPanel. They take about 220.00 KB (.